Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2501. Thank you all!

Thank you all so much for all your kind comments, stars and hearts for my 2500th blip yesterday! I almost forgot to upload a blip so did it late on using the only photo I took yesterday…one of my dinner last night..and a terrible photo too!
Even after writing 2500 in the title it didn’t register that it was a Blipfoto milestone…it was late and I was tired from travelling!

I haven’t been very active on blip for a few days but I will try and catch up later….we’re in the Lake District for a couple of nights meeting up with some old friends we haven’t seen for two years. We meet annually here for a catch-up and it’s been so good to do it again!

I took this photo first thing this morning and thought I’d upload it before we head out for the day. The mist was amazing across the tree tops from our vantage point at our hotel….

Thank you all once again….what a wonderful community this is!

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