Lisa's blipping life

By Lisamoore

A very eventful day

K has been wood lathing for a while now and has been looking for some different woods to try. He found some on eBay about a 2 hour journey away, so today we set off.
K chose the shortest route for the sat nav but unfortunately the sat nav didn't know we still had snow and decided to take us in our large transit van through snow narrowed country roads with 8 foot drifts either side. I spent part of the journey with my eyes closed but we managed to eventually get there.
We met a lovely couple who were selling the wood, you would have thought we would have known them for years. She was a crafter like me and he was a passionate and experienced lather who had to give up due to ill health and was happy to share his knowledge with K.
On the journey back ( I set sat nav for fastest route) we set off on country roads only to see a little jack Russell running up and down the road!
I simply couldn't leave it to get run over so K stopped the van and I ran out to catch it.
A lovely friendly dog but no collar! After knocking on the doors of 3 houses about half a mile apart we were beginning to wonder what to do next, when a car drew up with an old man inside shouting oh thank you thank you!
Phew she was his, she 'tammy' had run away from him while he was fishing and he was terrified as she has no road sense. Your telling me i said she was running all over the road!
Good deed for the day done finally got home and decided to go our for tea.
Got my pjs on now, DVD time I think.
Happy Easter blippers my 75th blip too wow that's gone quick!

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