Offcumden Cal

By Cal

Park life

Yorkshire Sculpture Park life to be exact. The day dawned bright and sunny, so we headed over to Wakefield to check out the Yinka Shonibare exhibition at YSP. It was a perfect day, I really liked the Shonibare, partly to do I guess, with the bright colours (it has been pretty monochrome round here lately) but it certainly gave me a few 'ah yes' moments.
We then ventured out to the Long Gallery, through the park, still with lots of snow drifts around. So nice to feel the sun on our faces. We took the scenic route back passing what we later found out was Antony Gormley tree sculptures but they were literally buried in 8ft snowdrifts!
A perfect day. If you would like more details about the exhibition, check out this review by one of my mates. Yinka Shonibare review

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