An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Portrait of a legend...

In the immortal words of our National Bard "O wad some Power the giftie gie us, To see oursels as ithers see us!"

Anna drew this portrait of David last week and it now has pride of place on our fridge (and now in my Blip journal :-) It makes me smile every time I open the fridge door.

I've done something to my left hip. If I am sitting on a comfy chair it's fine but if I sit on a harder surface like a dining room chair, I am in agony when I get up. It is very annoying. We were supposed to be going out for lunch tomorrow but the thought of sitting on a hard seat for a couple of hours is not appealing. Will see how I am in the morning.

I have now finished crocheting the daisy squares for Faith's blanket so will hopefully get them joined up tomorrow and get started on the border. Fingers crossed it will be finished by the start of next week. Then I can get Anna's blanket stitched together and the border done on that. All being well both will be ready to post off to them by the end of the month.

Got some terrible news a few days ago. A good friend is in hospital with covid related pneumonia. This is bad enough but on top of that he has Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and treatment for that means his immune system is very compromised. I've been so worried about him I couldn't even bring myself to record this in my blip as that made it too real, but we got great news today. He is being weaned off the oxygen and is hoping to go home tomorrow. I have everything crossed.

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