NZ Autumn 2025

By AndrewNZ

What a day!

Today was when the replacement sun awnings were to be replaced at the apartments with lots of planning to come together, fifteen awnings in all.
At the start the truck with the awnings and crane was late.
The road cone guys could not start till 0930 and then we got into it.
The lifts were to several apartments some double lifts and some singles but no damage was done and once up and running it was all quite slick.
Till the distraction of the fire.
A 19th century batch on the boulder bank (holiday home on a bank naturally formed by boulders) caught fire and was destroyed which will not be allowed to be repaired or replaced.
This brought out the Firey's who needed a ride from the Coastguard with their pumps and hoses, I think by the time they got there they would have been damping down a few embers.
Then to top it all once the awnings were fitted some, including mine, were found to be damaged so the debate will now be when and by who?
I feel this will not be sorted easily.
What a day!

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