Pushangs in the venelle…

Just a very quick trip to town. Rain was threatening and I thought this pic would turn out OK for todays blip so straight to the Co-op. Still a lot of empty shelves but Chocolate Weetabix and Soreen malt loaf both on special offer so that’s a few breakfasts and lunches sorted.
So back home to read. I’ve been reading books by Rachel McLean who I discovered last week and am enjoying.

Update I was just about to make a mug of coffee at just before midday and my eye caught a post on Facebook. Drop in Covid clinic for over 50s between 11.00 and 1.15 today. I was out that chair like a greyhound; grabbed my gilet and fast limped to the Vaccination  Centre.  They were also giving the flu jabs so one in each arm.
So that’s me done and dusted!!

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