Not quite ready yet...
The local soccer (yes I know, football) club is nearly ready to open again. A whole winter of cancelled sport for our boys and girls.
Soccer was not a sport our boy ever took a shine to - he played very well mind you, and I was manager of his under 8s or 9s some years ago - he just did not go well with the level of unfairness ("cheating" as he correctly labelled it often) that was involved. As most of us know - some humans delight in pushing the rules as far as they can, so long as they can get away with it. They'll cop the occasional penalty from time to time rather than play with a clear conscience (but then "conscience" appears to be a flexible measure for many people - don't start me). Why, even some people believe cheating has a Divine quality when it comes to themselves!
Anyway, our boy's no saint but when it comes to sport and any form of competition really, he has always had a strong sense of right and wrong.
I hope he does not lose it :)
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