Pretend that Aeroplanes in the night sky
And so it came to pass that tonight at 10pm my phone pinged and told me that the Aurora was OFF THE SCALE.
Jumper on, jacket on, scarf on. Himself, gazing at me from the couch, asked, "where are you going? why not go in the back garden?"
No Not possible. We must go - and search to the north.
We compromised and headed for the beach. It was not north, it was not 10 miles north, it was north west, and 1/2 mile.
We scrambled over the grassy prom and over on to the beach.
The tide was pretty high, we were about 40 minutes from high tide so we only had about 20 ft of beach to play with. I didn't bring the tripod, (of course I didn't) - so I stood legs akimbo and pointed. High Iso, Slow Speed, Infinity.
I gave up - and sat on the sand, which progressed to laying on the sand. I could feel things moving behind my head. I think there were little crabs in the seaweed. I have shaken myself out thoroughly.
It was the kind of aurora you can see out the corner of your eye when you aren't looking at it. So Stare at Arran, and it was over and above the Cumbraes. Stare southward, and it was over Arran.
I didn't particularly care. I was just happy to be on a dark beach, with himself there to protect me, freezing my buttocks off, and letting beasties crawl through my hair.
It was a perfect end to a busy day in the office.
I'm ready for bed now.
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