
By 1bluebell

I have real problems uploading this tonight. was going to put up the other shots i took but will leave it til tomorrow now.

We spent a very pleasant afternoon at the Royal Albert Hall listening to The Messiah. As we went with friends we then had a meal together near south Ken Station.
my very first visit to this place was for my husbands graduation ceremony in1982 when he received his engineering degree.

I did not know until today that all the red brick buildings in this are were built as a single planned development which is why the tunnel from South Kensington Station links them. The commissioners of the great exhibition of 1851 purchased something like 75 acres to build institutions of art and sciences here and so museums and universities were built in the area now called Exhibition Road. some I have visited like the science and natural history museum and the V & A and some i will go to one day

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