Place: St Pete Beach, FL 67/83
Main activity: Wed - 5 dogs
Notes: Woke early, did writing and then dozed on the couch till almost 7a. Didn't have much time to get moving, have coffee and head out to arrive in VDM by 8a. Walked Tessie, further this time but she still keeps trying to turn around. Talked with Joe & Moira then for a bit before taking Barney. The new pool dig is dumping lots of groundwater out into the street and all along the curb. Taking the 3 girls then, Fairy pulled back and out of her vest and wouldn't go thru the water to the street. Daisy had already plowed thru but seeing Fairy, she too pulled out of her vest. I yelled "help", grabbed Daisy and thankfully Fairy stayed close and didn't take off. Tahi I was able to keep on leash. Moira and Joe heard and both ran out and helped me corral and get back on track. So, 2 for 2 this week on near-catastrophe's, but all ok (thank goodness!). Was there for awhile after and Bette needed a bit of help so went over there and then back while we tried to reach Joe's web guy about moving the site. Didn't return until after 11a. Walked on the beach a bit and streets to see if any rentals posted. Out for sunset - went quick.

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