
Actually I've tried this picure a few times (most recently with added pom-poms) but today the sun came out just as I'd got an angle I liked and lit it really nicely...

Went to see Suede this evening - it was lucky I'd already bought a ticket as I'd not have bothered to haul myself out otherwise, and they turned out to be very good - far better, in fact, than I'd really expected. Brett Andersen has turned into a proper old-school rock star in the Jagger/Bowie mould: swinging the mic, climbing down into the audience and attacking every song as if it is his last, milking the ballads for every last drop and hurtling into those glam stompers like a sashaying, pogo-ing cross between Iggy Pop and Bryan Ferry (don't worry, though, I'll save my essay about why Suede are the 90's answer to Roxy for another time...)

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