Jillian's Journal

By Daring2Go

But wait . . . . . .

. . . . . there's more --- waiting!

Thanks to everyone who got hooked into the story yesterday - here's an update. And thanks too for the wonderful comments about the photo - very encouraging!

There was an attempt to float the yacht off first thing this morning; unsuccessfully unfortunately. This photo was taken just after the rescue craft brought the towing line back to the rescuers, seen in the water and on the yacht.

What now? I guess they'll have another try at high tide this evening.

There's more drama and intrigue though. Apparently a fire broke out on board last night, and the police say they're treating it as suspicious. http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/8490281/Fire-aboard-grounded-yacht

Who knows what that's all about!

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