Work in progress.

I bought a Zen Colouring book the other day. £5.99. WHS store.
Loads of patterns to colour!
The pens only cost a mere £4.99.
It is very relaxing.
I was inspired by the beautiful drawings created by blipper HarlingDarling. See the link.

I am not good at design.
At the moment I can’t decide which colour to use on the inner petals.
Any suggestions welcome.
The wrong colour would overwhelm it.
So I’m sitting in the lounge area here at our BnB hotel as Stephen has a Zoom meeting up in our room.
We have been invited out to lunch again by some more of our close friends.
Three days left here before we can go home on Monday.
A lovely lady here who works on reception has just brought me a hot chocolate, (which she’s paid for!).
The kindness of friends and strangers is so uplifting.

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