Flower .....
...... Definition.
This is just one bloom of the Lilies given to me last week, still five to come into bloom. Such beautiful elegant flowers I feel, ( I know some people are allergic to them) for me they are lovely. These are pure white & I love them.
Post has just been delivered , so a big thank you to the kind blipper who has sent me such a beautiful card. Very much appreciated.
I'm just waiting for a G.P. call as again seems medications are incorrect. When will it ever end??
The sun is shining at the moment so let's hope it lasts for the day light hours & stays dry for anyone going to a firework display tonight. Have fun & stay safe all!
" A" is about doing this and that, not sure what, but sure to be giving a helping hand somewhere outside.
Do hope you will all have a great day.
Thoughtful ..... of all the kind friends around me, for that I say " thank you".
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