
By fitzbilly

Crow Silhouette

I thought I would be in my new study by now but it is still not quite finished, another hour or so to go I am told. One (maybe the only?) benefit of setting up my computer in the dining room is that I can watch the birds in the garden as I sit at my temporary 'desk'. The pecking order at the bird table is interesting though predictable. Crows/rooks/jackdaws first, then pigeons, then collared doves, with the smaller birds sneaking in when they think no one is looking. We even had a couple of starlings today. On the other hand I only have to move slightly in my chair and the big black birds are off, while the rest take the opportunity to carry on feeding until I open the door to get a photo, at which point they are nowhere to be seen. This crow was taken through the window.

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