Pixelfoto's Journal

By Pixelfoto

Winter Food for Bees

A really cold day here. Around 5 degC when we got up.

We had a good number of people come to our photographic society coffee morning but it took a while to get going. We took £130 on the tombola which is a good amount for club funds.

Two lovely ladies came at 8 this morning to work in our garden and left around 4pm. They worked really hard and achieved loads. It would take me months to get the amount done that they did.

Now we are waiting for Jean42 and her husband to arrive. Apparently the traffic has been horrendous and they are later than expected. That's not normally a problem but the road which leads to ours is closed for re-surfacing from 6.30pm (it's 6.29 as I write this). Hopefully the workmen will let them through.

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