Windmill 'De Windhond', Woerden

'Windhond' = 'Wind Hound' / 'Wind Dog' .... Ouwooooooooo!  (snout to the moon)
'Woerden' sounds like 'Woordun'

Thought of Den Haag again; am I that fixated?  No, I just want The Hague done.  Again, clouds 'got in my way', although there was a lot more blue compared to yesterday, so back to the Utrecht side on the A12.  I did not plan Woerden but I knew there was a mill there, so I just took the sincere opportunity to drive around and enjoy the city sights.  Woerden also used to be a fort (yes, loads of forts here, as it was essential to guard the waterways), and if you look at the map you'll see the star shape, very recognizable.  The mill is inside the star.  Parking is paid and I went for 45 minutes because of a bit of walking.  This shot makes the mill look a little bit like the Eiffel Tower, so that is my nickname for it.  Or maybe I just miss Paris.  ;D)))  Notice the grey layers rising in the background?

The mill was actually turning the whole time.  To shoot this, I had to move the car closer, and this time I did not pay, but left the window open and stood in the middle of the narrow street, stepping aside every time cars and bicycles had to pass.  As it was a rather busy street, this took a little longer and I hoped no license-plate scanning radar drove by.  That is right -- no more bits of paper you leave on your dashboard, and no more paper parking tickets.  Your license plate is scanned and you get the bill at home.  Since we're almost all registered at the government website as well, with special DigiD access, some municipalities send their notices of fines there, and tough luck if you do not check your mailbox once in a while.

After dinner, AW left for Friday night live bridge at Sweed's and Benna's, so, as usual, I was left to my own devices for a few hours -- household chores, gaming, and post-processing.  Sometimes, time flies by so fast it takes your breath away.

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