Friday: Mini Mart

We had an interesting visit by a police officer today.  A car of the same make, colour and year of ours was involved in a serious hit and run a few weeks ago and he was now doing door-to-door enquiries to all 1,500 households that have that type of car to inspect the cars for damage.  That was definitely a first for us.

I had an appointment with the dental hygienist today.  All I’ll say is that she must have been in a very bad mood because she wasn’t exactly being gentle.  She’s Russian and was playing some very bangy Russian pop music which did little to make the experience pleasant……….not sure why but I kept thinking of the movie, ‘Marathon Man’……..

K. and I went out tonight for drinks at ‘The Alibi Room’, and then dinner at our favourite restaurant, ‘St Lawrence’.  They change the menu monthly and it’s always fabulous.  We got talking to a very nice couple from Montreal in the Alibi Room and have sent them off with a long list of microbreweries they should try.

The Mini Mart was on the way to the restaurant.

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