Ficus Bonsai

Yesterday was cold, rainy, pouring down day.  It was the kind of day one tried to dash through raindrops, but had absolutely no luck.  The ficus in my Blip is getting very close to needing to go in my greenhouse.  Between the 60 and 50 degree nights, this tropical is having a hard time.  It has lost half of it's leaves due to wet soil and cold temperatures.  You can see through the whole tree.  3 weeks ago all you saw was leaves.  There is still leaf turning yellow on it that will die off.  The first extra is another tropical plant that is struggling even harder.  This dwarf Gardenia is soaked and loosing large amounts of leaves.  As soon as I can get these plants to dry out after this rain,  they will go inside the greenhouse.  Florida winter is coming.

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