Sunshine again!
It's been satisfying to read that many blippers had a good Friday, often by doing ordinary things with people they care about. Perhaps they noticed the goodness of the day because of its name in the Christian calendar. I wonder if we could transform a few other days. A little mindfulness is all it takes and blippers are very good at that. Blippers transform most days by that attention to detail and it's one of the things I've come to enjoy most about Blipfoto.
Like others, I had a lovely day doing nothing extraordinary but all pleasing - helping a client in the morning, having my hair cut, wandering around the Annie Lennox exhibit at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery (I'm so glad the Gallery is open again), taking a few photos, enjoying some tea and a beautiful view, coming home with Dr T and drinks with friends to close the evening.
What I enjoyed most was the freedom to wander in the sunshine, the way that freedom seems to make everyone's footfalls a little lighter, a little more playful. Ahhhh, and breathe out.
I wish you whatever you wish for yourself this weekend.
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