For the pluviophile in you

Phase 1 Day 9. Was about to do my outdoor workout but then it rained. In 75 Hard, Andy and the others who have adopted a Goggins state of mind revel in inclement weather conditions they have no control of and still workout despite of it. Some people even take videos of themselves doing jumping jacks in the rain. I get the point but I believe I also can wait for the rain to stop and work on a way to still accomplish all the tasks within the program rules.
It is Sunday morning here. Sundays are scheduled check ins (front, side and back photos plus current weight) with my Coach. I was suddenly reminded of a scene in This is Us Season 1 in which Kate, played by Chrissy Metz, was weighing herself as a mark of her decision to work on her health and fitness as her 36th birthday approaches. She saw the number and then after a few pensive seconds, she realized she still has her earrings on so she removed it and then checked the number again. My heartstrings were tugged at that scene because it resonated with me. Ever since I learned of BMI and was sucked into the rabbit hole of information the internet has on weight management, I started to weigh myself every morning upon waking up. The number used to affect my mood but these days, I look at it at just data and move forward.
Yesterday was one of the toughest for me. They bought ice cream for no reason and although my Coach allows all types of food, the 75 Hard Program does not. Ice cream is definitely considered a cheat meal no matter what type of diet you chose to follow. If there's anything which I couldn't say no to before, it was ice cream. I like all types, even the "dirty ice cream" sold in the streets here. I did not even lick the spoon but it made me question my decision with going through the entire live hard year. Again and again, I had to remind myself that this is training. It is easier to choose what is comfortable in the present but being committed to make tougher choices every time will definitely yield a reward for yourself in the future.
If you made reading my blabber up to this point, thank you and bless your soul. Hope you find a reason to smile and enjoy your day.

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