Live, love, laugh

By Rianka


Just a little composition of all the things that made me smile today.

Green glasses. These are just funny. When I first saw glasses like these I thought they were silly, but I like them. I guess I'm not going to wear them that often, but I justed wanted to have them.
Bought them for 80 cents today.

Butterfly mirror. If you look carefully you can see a piece of the mirror on the right. I really love butterflies (can you tell?). I'm going to hang these on the inside of my closet door.

Butterfly belt. Do I need to explain this one as well? Bought it in the UK a week ago.

White purse. I liked this one so much. It is just big enough to fit everything in it. I really like the shape of it. It looks like a big white envelop.

Which brings me to the envelop. containing another message from my boyfriend. I can open one every day that he is gone. This is my 90th. Only 30 to go now.
Listened to the music of The Last Five Years all day.

Empty book with butterflies on it.
Waiting to be filled with wonderful stories.
I only have to think of one to write down.

And the last thing on the picture. A box of pasta.
It made me smile the most today. I know that sound weird, so let me explain.
This pasta has no wheat in it AND contains no traces of milk.
Which means that I had pasta for dinner tonight.
It tasted good, a bit strange, but good.

Quite a few things that made my day.
Hope yours was filled with little presents as well =]

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