PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Bear Pondering

I had two choices today. Juvenile Joey posing rather cutely on a ladder or this shot of Taurus, pondering the meaning of life food. I just kept coming back to this one though. Bears just LOVE their food and Angus is no exception. You can even see a little bit of drool around his lips :-)

Food can often get them into tricky situations, but also out of them too. A perfect example today was Daisy. Ealier in the afternoon Mema had taken it upon herself to rip the wooden ladder away from the top platform of one of their climbing structures! There were four bears on the top platform who all made their way down eventually by using the side support poles. Daisy decided later on that she wanted to be on the top level so climbed up the side supports but then when it came time for the bears to go inside for dinner she realised she had no ladder to climb down on! She'd forgotten how she got up there and was stranded looking rather sorry for herself for a good half an hour, whilst all the other bears hoovered up their evening meals! I wasn't overly concerned though. She is a bear that absolutely loves her food and I thought her stomach would win in the end.

It did and according to our translator she 'slid down the pole like a fireman' just before the day finished and just in time to receive her dinner!

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