Flag Day
It's getting so manic it's hard to keep track of where one is in the year/month etc. So when we set out in the morning, it was a surprise to learn it was Flag Day today. I have no idea why they have this day, but it started a few years ago to encourage patriotism. With G working in a school, we usually get a whiff of these celebrations as often, people are encouraged to dress up, but G hadn't heard anything.
The big thing today was meeting up with friend Jessica after ages! Since May, at least. We had endless chatter catching up about the summer etc. all with the backing track of the national anthem, which was played rather loudly throughout the mall. It was super to hear it when it started at 11 AM (the time of the flag ceremony). We all stopped where we were and listened. Then it came on again. And again. And again. And again. I, er, think they played it 50 times.
G took herself back to work as I wanted to pick Jessica's brains about something. She gave me some valuable advice. I met up with G at the metro station, where my last picture is from. Someone parked their bike up for the day and left their helmet etc. in the basket, fully expecting it to be there when they get back. And because we live in Dubai, it will be! :))
The afternoon/evening was busy. Jeff and Margaret came over for a cup of tea before the SA meeting, which will now be every week for an hour. No racing to Icons for a coffee afterwards. They had to get back to Abu Dhabi, and I needed to catch up on stuff at home!
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