Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Bad Santa

Drunk in charge of a window display.

Nothing more depressing than Christmas in November. This was Kingston (upon Thames - not Kingston in Jamaica) and the shop was doing a brisk trade. We walked up the river from Surbiton and I clocked 23,000 steps in total today. Rather nice, particularly walking back after dark. Kingston has the most enormous Waterstones and a riverside cafe with lots of vegan stuff and lovely staff.

Our day started badly - Dylan bought a rat into the bedroom at 5am and dropped it, and the little bugger ran all over the house before I managed to capture it in a shoe box an hour and a half later. Took it up to the cricket club and released it into the bushes.

Talking of rats - Insurance man came this morning and got a piece of our mind (long story). Heating man came and said we needed a new pump - no surprise there. 

Recommended read (finished it today): A Town Called Solace. Cheesy but worth the effort.

Good day, on balance.

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