The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


I've started doing jigsaws again. Right now, though, my whole life feels like a jigsaw. Fitting all the jobs together (one of the shifts keeps switching days) PLUS I've got three important events over the next week, and two of them need preparing for. Evenings would be fine for this, except that I don't feel very well. I'm fighting off a cold (I do the lateral flow tests every day and it's not CoVid) and I feel rubbish by the evening.

Today I've been reviewing clothes, as I'm going to need a few smart outfits. I've got a couple of pairs of black trousers that are passable, and a top, and shoes. I just need a smart jacket. Hello, charity shops!

Today was fun at work. We didn't have too many children and some of them appreciated my home made drum kit. I had so many policy updates to read at the end of the day that I'd only read half of them when my allotted hour was up. Walked home and sat down in front of a quiz show, drinking a cup of tea thoughtfully provided by CleanSteve.

Now I'm watching Inside the Care Crisis with Ed Balls. Strangely, Ed is working at a care home called St Cecilia's, which is just round the corner from where I stayed in Scarborough, on my recent holiday.

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