Choose Joy
Phase 1 Day 11. Always grateful for rain. It does make the pavement slippery and more challenging to walk/run on but still it gives me extra moments of calm and flexibility.
Listening to Jordan Syatt and Paul Carter talk about the science of building muscle. They are using a lot of terms which I don't fully understand but still find interesting like hypertrophy, mTOR, stimulus to fatigue ratio and more. Every time someone looks for a podcast recommendation, Jordan's is still on the top of the list. Apart from learning something new every time, it is a source of both motivation and humor.
My Pa who is 66 is featured here. Not sure if I previously mentioned it but he does long distance cycling almost daily for several years now. He doesn't have social media and is not on Strava. He doesn't join group challenges or cycling races. He just does it because he enjoys it. I have a clear/sharper shot but I thought this candid has more meaning and therefore worth keeping in this space.
Have a good one!
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