Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Update on WIP

Due to freezing temperatures we have been able to crack on and get heaps done as there was no precipitation. :-))

The team is absolutely creamed after a hard week; however results are encouraging. The rear wall is complete, the front walls await the Jacks and Jills to be completed and the side wall has to be rebuilt. Last of all will be the former upper paddock and polo field and steps which will be covered in the most beautiful paving, in deeper shades of brown, chocolate, rust and general rusticismismical.

Madam is beyond herself. I'm so far up the brownie points ladder I may be the next apostolic chocolatiére.

In other news........
I looked at Andrew who was working away on a piece of stone; he's a former philosophy student so can come out with a few dry one liners.

"So what else did the Romans give us?" I demanded.


It's true if you think about it. :-))))

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