A view from St Swithin

By stswithin50

Taking it easy

Woke up today with the virals and so decided to have a nice easy day. Wandered into town to buy the new David Bowie album ( lives up to the hype after one listen), and to have a mooch around the Art Gallery. Another lovely, if cold day.
Decided to concentrate on trying to take something better than a snap and quite pleased with this shot of Rubislaw Terrace Gardens.
As usual there was no one in the park admiring the fountain that doesnae work. Last year a local attempted to get a license to have a cofee van in the park ( a bit like in Princes Street) but the Council in their infinite wisdom turned him down. A real shame - what is is about our Council and any form of development. I feel a rant coming on so will pipe down. Must be the flu.

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