To The Bottlebank

Followed by a walk around Morton Loch.

It is quite a while since we visited the Tayport Bottle Bank where we recycle our glass jars and bottles. Mildly surprised to find that the amount required two crates instead of the normal one.

After completing the chore we then visited Morton Loch. The number of dogs taking their owners for a walk has dropped dramatically. Disappointed Dogs?

There was calm after the high winds of the last two days and the car park was empty. We enjoyed a short walk through the woods and spotted several red squirrels.

I also took quite a number of autumnal photos two of which form today’s entry.

Pat is in the thumbnail.

On the way home we drove past the location of the previous church which our building replaced. The conservation work appears to be complete and I will take a stroll to see the results.

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