Heuristic play

The Jedi doesn't really play with many toy's. He like his car garage and trains but enjoys wrecking my kitchen cupboards. So this morning I cleared out one of the toy boxes and put heuristic stuff in it and sensory toys. So now he has a box of wooden spoons, pans, whisks, a old laptop keyboard, folding wooden tablemats and a spinning Wooden server. I also put poppits, and squishy kind of toys for sensory play . 

It has been a mental day today. I am trying to get organised for my new sofa's arriving so on top of sorting the old ones I went through every toy box in this house . Set aside a pile to give away. Binned a big bag worth and got on with the usual ironing and stuff. I had three wildlings at home today. Xander is feeling better but I gave him another day. Harp was off.... And oh boy she was like the spawn of Satan. She doesn't usually take tantrums but today she has had four massive ones. Ones that went on for over 20 minutes at a time. I let her come out of them and then she gets a time out for her behaviour and then a hug. She's been better the last couple of hours but I have told ( ordered) Mr R to bring me wine. Well that's if I survive staying up . He gets home near 8pm and I've either been going to bed or falling asleep on the sofa. I was in bed for 9pm last night. I slept well until around 1am and then was on and off the rest of the night. 

I'm not going to bath the Wildlings tonight. The bigger ones can be thrown in the shower instead. 

Thanks for all your stars comments and heart's. 

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