Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd


I can’t quite believe how many action-packed social engagements I’ve had recently. I’m still very cautious but it is definitely FUN to be out and about a bit more regularly.
Today began with a Queer Coffee Morning at Lovelock’s coffee emporium. Organised by one of my fellow book-club members, Hollie, in aid of the local LGBTQIA+ youth group, Gyro. Attendees brought along their pre-loved books to be sold as part of the fundraiser and not only did the money go to a good cause, but it was lovely to see so many people I know gathered together in one (well-ventilated) space!
Whilst there, M and I had our second breakfast of the day with some more book-club members, and then headed across town with friend Natalie to visit a photography exhibition at Liverpool Arts Bar and then across the street to the Everyman Theatre for a dance in Liverpool’s Smallest Gay Bar, as part of this year’s Homotopia festival. The pop-up bar had capacity for one punter at a time and a strict ‘one in, one out’ policy. It was great fun – as were the 2 bouncers outside (see Extra).
It was then time to stop for tea and cake in the Everyman’s bar/café where we were unexpectedly joined by another friend, the marvellous Mina, who just had to be today’s Blip subject.
She describes herself as a Sicilian/English trans woman, writer, recycler/zero-waste liver, climber, performer and proof-reader. And she is certainly all of those things – but that doesn’t really do her justice. I think she’s a brilliant and amazing person with positive energy and talent a-go-go. She’s recently given up her day job to become a full-time writer/actor/creative, and she’s doing her first paid acting work this very week. More power to her!
It was also lovely to meet Mina’s brother, Adam. Thanks to them both for stopping to chat.
On our way back to the car we also caught part of the ‘Follow the Rabbit’ light/fire parade down on Church Street. This was a fab ‘Alice in Wonderland-themed’ procession co-ordinated by another old pal of mine, Nici. So good to see her again in person after all these months of video-based contact! 
Today’s song is also ‘Alice in Wonderland-themed’. It’s Jefferson Airplane’s psychedelic classic ‘White Rabbit’
“Feed your head!” 

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