Solitary Pony

Firstly, huge thanks for the deluge of wonderful comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's 'Gorgeous Misty Sunrise' - so very generous of you!

Today has been a day of not-a-lot. Much the same as last night when I had not-a-lot of restful sleep! Having coughed my way through the night, I thought I'd best get a PCR test. I fully expect it to be negative, as I'm prone to coughs rather than head colds (and I only feel under the weather, not dreadful) but better err on the side of caution.

My blip was taken from the balcony. I'm afraid I shall have restricted blip potential until my result comes back (and I have a little more energy!) but I'm very grateful that I have a beautiful view!

Teen Tiny in my b&w journal

Have a great evening!

Ann :))

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