
By JeanSnaps

Kingseat near sunset.

What should have been a nice day turned out a bit stressful but OK in the end.  A good  morning till I left the house quite early to meet friends for lunch.  I'd driven about three miles when my car told me that my left front tyre had lost pressure.  Nowhere to park until Strathmiglo where I stopped and checked.  Yes, it had.  Pumped the tyre up  and drove back to Alan's in Falkland. Rob checked the pressures which were all OK.  The tyre hadn't lost pressure on the way back so he thought it wasn't a puncture.  Couldn't be sure of course.  I phoned Muircot farm shop and left a message for Linda and Margaret than set off again feeling rather apprehensive.  Happily I had an uneventful journey with nice clear roads.  It's about thirty miles and I wasn't as late as expected.
       Lunch was lovely and we chatted and chatted. Time wore on and someone commented on the lovely light on the hill  so I went and fetched my camera.  We'd been there far longer than usual. A booking was made for December and I went out to check the car. I could see the tyre had gone down and, when I checked the pressure, it had but not as much as I feared.  Made off feeling a bit nervous as the light was beginning to go and kept to the roads that pass through the most communities driving carefully and not too fast.  Reached Falkland just as the light was going completely and nipped into the village shop.  I felt I deserved crisps and a bottle of wine.  Linda has  given me a Lochinver turkey pie so I'm having an early Christmas celebration.  The minimum order is a dozen.  There are lots of different flavours and she is freezing them for Christmas  when her two sons plus wife and granddaughter will be visiting.  I'm always tempted to buy but twelve  fairly substantial pies  seem a bit much even for someone as greedy as me.

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