My City: Day 895: Toronto

A walk back into my history.

This shop on Baldwin Street was the place to go to while I was at The Ontario College of Art from 1969-1974. They made the best buns that were stuffed with beef or pork. While I am a vegetarian now, and have been for about 30 years, at that time you could get two of these buns for 25 cents and were they GREAT!!!

I went back to Baldwin street to see how it had changed and honestly it is still the same street with many small restaurants...including a great vegetarian one, coffee shops etc...still housed in the same old little shopfronts from my time as a student. No commercial places like Starbucks here!!!

So where does the time go...40 years ago...hmmm....seems like yesterday. I wonder where so many of my classmates are now?

For more on Baldwin Street clck here.

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