Under the Fog II
10.30 am and I'm crossing the foggy Landstuhler Bruch again. When I left at 7:15 to drive to Landstuhl it was still dark and just as foggy and the car was icy all over.
On my way home from another appointment and a little procedure at the dental surgeon. The implant has been in for 6 months now and was exposed today (I don't know the correct English term). I still need to go take a look what's sitting on top of the wound now - not a tooth yet; that will take another 6 weeks and requires more appointments, but will be done by my regular dentist.
Unfortunately stitches required again; to be removed next week. I have a long (presence) meeting in the office tomorrow; I hope I won't have to talk too much.
One really has to be patient.....and a pocket full of money.
18:30; 3°C
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