Swimming in the Sunshine

I finally got out for a swim. It's either been to wet, to wind or I've been at work. It must be over 4 weeks.

I met Ruth at Peel Wyke, this is a spot on Bassenthwaite near the Pheasant Inn. We went in down the boat ramp under the A66 bridge to get in and swam to the red then the yellow buoy. 

The view was magnificent I wasn't able to get my camera out of my tow float). The sun was shining and the light was reflecting different shades of white and grey on the distant hills. Marvellous. Another of our swim group was passing on the road above for work and stopped to take a photo - you can see me and Ruth if you look carefully (see extra).

I also go out on a walk with Tom along the Ridge in the afternoon. Happy days.

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