An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Daisy, Daisy,

Backblipped 10.11.21

Laid out Faith's daisy blanket and Anna's ice cream blanket (I call it ice cream because that's what the colours remind me of :-) to make sure I was happy with the amount of granny squares in each.  Anna's is fine (just need to rearrange the squares so similar colours are more evenly spaced) but I think I need a few more daisy squares for Faiths then I can get them both joined.

Sciatica still agony but Ele and Kenny were coming to ours for the day and that proved a welcome distraction.  

Lunch of home made lentil and ham soup (thankfully made and frozen before I was so incapacitated) then later for dinner I made slow cooked beef stew.  I literally just chucked beef, carrots, onions and gravy in the slow cooker and switched it on.  David made his creamy mash potato and green beans to accompany it.

It was so lovely to have a proper catch up with them.  They are coming to Harris and Lewis with us next May.  They can't come for the full two weeks as they have to get back for a friend's son's wedding, but they should be with us for 10 days at least.  I am so happy about this.  We holidayed together when the kids were young almost every year from 1991 to 2015 so it will be lovely to get away with them again...this time with no children!  :-))

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