Life and times of us

By Bumpster

Hungry Cygnet

Very slow day today. Swimming first thing followed by a lazy breakfast in our favourite cafe...Boswells. Needed to do some things in town so made our way around the usual haunts, mostly looking for an Easter Egg for C's Godmother who we are seeing on Monday. No luck! I think most places have sold out.

Back to the house and I had a very luxurious snooze on the sofa whilst the children sat square-eyed in front of the TV. Boyzee did some DIY and painted the wooden struts on the porch. I'm not sure how long it's going to take him to get over the fact he has actually done a house job - mind you it didn't involve a drill which is his absolute nemesis.

Nanny arrived this afternoon, we took her poodle for a walk around the local nature reserve. The kids fed the ducks and swans where I got this shot. I never get over just how graceful these animals are.

Cake making and decorating this afternoon and confiscating of C's Easter Eggs before the bunny has even arrived. His naughtiness has become slightly overwhelming at times. I'm hoping he calms down a bit prior to baby arriving :-((

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