Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Lest we forget

12th August 1977. Neil Bewley, murdered by an enemy sniper Turf Lodge, Belfast. Aged 19 never married, never a father or grandfather. Just a young man serving his country. RIP young man, never forgotten.

The tail fin of CX411. 21st  May 1982. Two Gazelles of C Flt, 3 CBAS (Commando Brigade Air Sqn) shot down by small arms fire near Port San Carlos (c8.45 am). Pilot Sgt Evans RM killed in the first incident and pilot Lt Francis RM and crewman L/Cpl Griffin RM in the second.

28th May 1982. Scout of B Flight, 3 CBAS shot down near Camilla Creek House, north of Goose Green by Pucaras of FAA Grupo 3 (11.55 am). Pilot Lt Nunn RM was killed.

Basic lines, covering the incidents in war diaries. The full stories make me sad but proud. 

Make your lives worthwhile, do everything you can, when you can. 

Extra, does what it says on the tin........

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