With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Action, camera

A very different and fun day. T had a great idea to try out the institute catering college lunch ( the course Agu started last year). We had a fantastic meal for 12€ and great service. Cured fish pincho, salmon and coconut ‘chowder’, beef cheeks with mushroom risotto and then a kind of Saturn of puddings, stellar. I’ll go again.

We drove around The Valley to see the torrents raging and the bamboo washed down to the beach, then quickly up to the lighthouse. A super beautiful young model was braving the chill, waving and pretending to enjoy a sunny day. She was really admirable with her cheer. On the right you can see they brought some coffee and then they wrapped her in a blanket. She cheerfully waved us goodbye too. Sweet.

After that, we managed to get mum’s COVID vaccination certificate, dropped and picked up from the dry cleaners and also inquired about getting mum a third vaccine and a flu jab. Hmm. Will take some phone calls..

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