One down, one to go…

Hi Everyone,

My new passport arrived today… which is very pleasing. And now I have it I have been allowed to do the online application to renew my driving license which had expired. They crib the passport photo which is why I needed it done first.

I was at the workshop at 7 this morning messing around with the new machine I collected yesterday. There is one part broken on it which I have removed in readiness for repair and the electric motor will need checking out. I have another machine that needs restoring so I will get the motor of that one and get them both checked together.

On the narrowboat stuff I have been thinking about getting a smaller narrowboat and a small butty (a narrowboat without an engine that you pull or push). I could then have the workshop in the butty. Anyway, lots of research to do on that one as I don’t really know what I am talking about (what’s different I know)

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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