Friday Flowers

A bouquet for the travellers who will hopefully be back tomorrow afternoon, fingers crossed they will arrive just before we go into another lockdown. Very busy day, cleaning the house for them, grocery shopping for them, while I was doing that DJ had a mishap at home, apparently our bed collapsed with him in it while he was reading on his iPad . It has been making some weird creaking noises lately, so it’s not so strange. We’ve had it for as long as we’re married, more than 36 years :-) luckily DJ wasn’t hurt, but the bed is wrecked, so this afternoon we had to do some internal clearing and moving to have beds to sleep in downstairs ! And now I’m preparing meals for three days ! My feet are complaining very much.

Flowers for Flower Friday with thanks to Anni/BikerBear for hosting every Friday. Thanks very much for all the Abstract Thursday entries and the stars and comments for the colander abstract :-)

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