Life at 50mm

By Stevie378

A Tone-mapping we will go . . . . . .

Got a few new playthings today - an iPhone app ( Photobuddy ), and a book ( The HDR book - Unlocking The Secrets ). So this afternoon I dragged the 5D and tripod to the nearest bit of empty ground I could find, which happened to be the waste land that was once Birchills Power station. Not the most charmimg of places, but I knew I'd be relatively undisturbed there while I tinkered with the camera.
Using the bracket calculator in Photobuddy I took sets of 5 identical images, each 2 stops apart.
Once I was back home I fired up Aperture, and played around with the HDR Efex plugin. Whilst I was chatting on Facetime to a good friend who has just bought her first Macbook I cobbled together this image, of the lumps of concrete that are the remains of the Power Station.
Its not perfect - I need to read more, and experiment more - but it shows promise . . . . .

The image is a stitch of 5 shots, all at 50mm, f11, ISO100. Exposure times were 1/1600, 1/400, 1/100, 1/25 and 1/6.

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