Straight connection

Looking at my photo from yesterday, you can see the clutter creeping in at the edges: CDs, books, and DVDs are the main culprits, accumulating on any near horizontal surface.

I have spent a lot of time recently thinking about decluttering and decorating. I reckon I'll be in this house for another four years and I'd like to enjoy that time living in a home that resembles the ideal I have in my head. 

So, all that said, you might be surprised to find that I have today taken delivery of another couple of items of what, to the casual observer, could be considered clutter.

Of course, that's not the case at all: these are replicas of the teacups and saucers from the Trans Europe Express, which I recently ordered from The Heritage Foundation SBB. The TEE played a huge part in my imagination when I was in my teens as I dreamt of a romanticised European lifestyle, driven to a large extent by my love of Kraftwerk.

So, the task ahead is not solely to declutter, but to do so without throwing away treasures like these. The challenge, of course, will be maintaining a reasonable definition of 'treasures' :-)

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