Now is all you have

By AgnesSkula

Day 30: Building

In the cellar of a house called Paris in my hometown is the most popular concert "hall" in the country. It's called "Græni hatturinn" or "The Green hat" . Todmobile one of my favorite band was playing tonight. I went with my husband and a few friends and had a great time. My picture of the day is shot inside the building Paris.

I'm taking part in a 30 day black and white photography challenge.

Day 1: Favorite food - uppáhalds maturinn.
Day 2: Smile - Bros/brostu
Day 3: Happiness - Hamingja
Day 4: Leaves - lauf
Dayr 5: Morning sky - morgun himinn
Day 6 Books - bækur
Day 7: Something funny - eitthvað fyndið
Day 8: In the air - Á lofti/í loftinu
Day 9: Inspiring - Hvetjandi
Day 10: Nature - Náttúra
Day11: Something old - eitthvað gamalt
Day 12: Hands - hendur
Day13: Written word - skrifuð orð
Day 14: Movement - hreyfing
Day 15: Technology - Tækni
Day 16: Animals - dýr
Day 17: memories - minningar
Day 18: Something new - eitthvað nýtt
Day 19: Best friend - besti vinur
Day 20: Seasonal - árstíðabundinn
Day 21: Where you sleep - þar sem þú sefur
Day 22: Clothing - fatnaður
Day 23: In your closet - í skápnum
Day 24: gratitude - þakklæti
Day 25: Artwork - listaverk
Day 26: transportation - flutningar/samgöngur
Day 27: Daily routine - dagleg rútína
Day 28: nighttime - um nótt
Day 29: Light - ljós/birta
Day 30: Building - Bygging/byggja

Day 31: Self portrait - sjálfsmynd

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