Weird world of Zebedee

By zed

the loser

we asked our driver to take us to see something interesting and he brought us to a local spot where there were cock-fights.
i am not saying that it wasn't cruel because it was BUT i am not saying it wasn't interesting for this is like going to see a football game or watching T.V. for them, we watched two fights the first fight was really long and boring.

the second fight was over in about thirty seconds when the bigger cockroll kicked the smaller one in the face them as it fell it stabbed it in the back of the head and it . . . died. but the only thing difference from the fights the cocks have in the wild it that people bet on them and they strap razor blades to there feet. after the smaller cock died the pluck the feathers and gutted it them instantly put it in the POT!

nothing is ever wasted.

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