
By XSworld

Delirium domenicale

I might mitigate mighty mites at midnight.
Can a white mite write a fight plight despite the tight light.
Ok, I'm totally loosing it! It has been raining aaaall day, so I just popped out hoping to find something to photograph on a nearby tree trunk. I found a wee mite and out of pure boredom thought I might play with the word and create a tongue twister! Well, let's be honest, there are things I am better at!
I think this tiny invertebrate is called a velvet mite or red spider mite and if you count their legs you will find out that they are not insects. The red colour indicates that it is toxic, but I also found an interesting article claiming that these mites are a valuable source for medicine in some parts of India, used in various formulas to cure everything from diarrhoea to paralysis, it can serve as a tonic for new mothers and well, as an aphrodisiac! Worth going out and collect?

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