..... Sunday.
Today's weather has been mixed here but it hasn't deterred any of the usual happenings for the occasion going on.
Our church service was lovely , the usual 2 minutes silence at 11am, starting with the bugler and ending with him too.
" A" came when I got home. Before he arrived I had a cutley drawer moment ( like it got stuck !!) needn't have worried "A" put it right. After our sandwich & cuppa we went to knights as I needed a birthday gift & knew I would find something there. Can't fault this man, he knew I was struggling & removed all the pressure by doing the foot work without being asked.
Of course we had to have yet more rain!! Home in the warm & a cup of tea was the answer & welcome too.
On the way home managed to snap the Walingham cenotaph
So this is my offering for today's blip.
Hope you've all had a good day even if it has been wet.
Thoughtful ..... of how fortunate I am with " A"
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