A Cow Of A Week (With A Happy Ending), Rochester

Had a cow of a week as I felt under the weather, like I was keening for a cold. Sore throat, bit of a temperature, sneezing and all round tiredness so just didn't feel like blipping or taking a shot at all. Of course, when you feel like this you automatically feel sure you've got IT but two negative lateral flow test later it probably just proved I was knackered and a bit fed up and run down. Work has just been the same as it has been for weeks, a big, fat, boring, on rushing deadline slog with a lovely added time and motion study to put the cherry on it. It was decided I was to be the guinea pig to time how long I took to photograph paintings from the point it entered my studio to the finished image on the server and the work itself scanned into a clearance shelf. I had to repeat this throughout a whole day. As you can guess this made me feel even better! This week felt like the longest week ever.
Luckily, today was the happy ending. A lovely, relaxed, tasty lunch with my brother in Rochester. I enjoyed it so much and made working through all that "grey sludge" worth it. Now all I'm waiting for is some time off (at last) and a bit of a holiday. Hopefully, this will be in about two weeks or so.

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